Annual Flower Seeds

Annual Flower Seeds

Annual flowers are easy to grow, give quick color, and have long bloom periods. Many also make great cut flowers. Shop annual flower seeds of spring, summer and fall-blooming selections that are favorites in the gardens at Monticello like Cockscomb, Larkspur, Globe Amaranth, and many more.  We offer a wide range of garden annual flowers, so whether you're looking to add some pops of color to your garden or create a stunning display, we have great options for you.  All our historic seeds are non-GMO, open-pollinated varieties, or straight species, so they can be saved to replant from year to year.  Seeds will typically remain viable for several years when stored in a cold, dry environment, such as an airtight container in your refrigerator.
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Annual Flower Seeds

Annual flowers are easy to grow, give quick color, and have long bloom periods. Many also make great cut flowers. Shop annual flower seeds of spring, summer and fall-blooming selections that are favorites in the gardens at Monticello like Cockscomb, Larkspur, Globe Amaranth, and many more.  We offer a wide range of garden annual flowers, so whether you're looking to add some pops of color to your garden or create a stunning display, we have great options for you.  All our historic seeds are non-GMO, open-pollinated varieties, or straight species, so they can be saved to replant from year to year.  Seeds will typically remain viable for several years when stored in a cold, dry environment, such as an airtight container in your refrigerator.