Cool Weather Veggie Seeds

Cool Weather Veggie Seeds

Discover the essence of spring and autumn with our Cool Weather Vegetable Seed Collection. From Tom Thumb Peas to robust Lacinato Kale and flavorful Red Wethersfield Onion, our selection of cold-hardy vegetable seeds is tailored for the cooler months. Cultivate flavorsome bounty with ease with our historic seeds.  All are non-GMO, open-pollinated varieties, or straight species, so they can be saved to replant from year to year. Embrace the season's crisp air and vibrant colors as you sow the seeds of a fruitful cool weather garden.

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Cool Weather Veggie Seeds

Discover the essence of spring and autumn with our Cool Weather Vegetable Seed Collection. From Tom Thumb Peas to robust Lacinato Kale and flavorful Red Wethersfield Onion, our selection of cold-hardy vegetable seeds is tailored for the cooler months. Cultivate flavorsome bounty with ease with our historic seeds.  All are non-GMO, open-pollinated varieties, or straight species, so they can be saved to replant from year to year. Embrace the season's crisp air and vibrant colors as you sow the seeds of a fruitful cool weather garden.